파구정보 (PAGU Info)

How to Stake TRX to get SUN token 본문

Crypto/Crypto News

How to Stake TRX to get SUN token

파구 2020. 9. 3. 00:07

Hello Black Cows,

From 10PM KST, SUN coin, Defi coin of TRX, has started.
Here's step by step guide to stake your TRX and get SUN coin.

Please prepare: Chrome Browser, TRX coin you bought at an exchange

1. Open your Chrome Browser

2. Download Tronlink wallet Chrome extension from https://www.tronlink.org
 - Tronlink is a TRX wallet made by tron foundation
   Staking can be done with other wallets but let's stick to the basic

Tronlink Homepage

3. After downloading it, open the Tronlink Chrome Extention

Tronlink Chrome Extension

4. After registering ID/Password on the Tronlink, transfer your TRX to your Tronlink wallet

 * Please refer to the below link for Tronlink registration



How to register Tronlink wallet

Here's a step-by-step guid to register and open Tronlink wallet for SUN Genesis Mining. 4-1. Input the password you want to use with below condition  * Contains at least eight characters  * Contai..


5. Go to https://sun.market the SUN staking official page. (there's also sun.io but it's not working now)

6. Log in to the Tronlink Chrome Extension.

7. Click 'Connect to Wallet'. You can see your TRX quantity if you're connected successfully.

sun.market. if you click Connect to Wallet,
you can see your TRX quantity and 'Genesis Mining' button is activated.

8. Click the activated 'Genesis Mining' button then you can see a new window.
   ① Type in the quantity you want to stake (don't include quantity under decimal point to prevent error)
   ② Click 'Stake' button then a new window appears on the left
   ③ Click 'Accept' button and it's done!

Stake TRX and get SUN!


For your information, you can get the TRX coin back after 14 days.
No one know what the TRX price will be or where SUN token will be listed or how much it will be.

Please consider the risk seriously!

Major Exchange Register Link

Binance Register Link
(Fee 20% Payback)
Huobi Register Link
